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Music Learning Materials

for adult learners

What happens when a trained IT specialist with a master’s in Education and Psychology and 40 years teaching experience starts early retirement during a pandemic?

She fuses her professional knowledge with her hobby (music) and starts to produce the learning materials she herself is missing.

Available Learning Materials:

Dotfree Trad

Dotfree charts for irish trational music


Tabs for trad irish fingerstyle guitar

Just Bodhran

More fun than a metronome

Functional Ear Training

Start to FEEL music

Learning materials

Materials for free or for a small fee
PDF cheat sheets & infographics
Practice & Playalong Tracks, Call & Response Ear Training Tracks


Projects I’m currently working on:

Irish traditional music


Build an Irish traditional repertoire learning from dot free charts


Just Bodhran

“More fun than a metronome” practice tracks


Tabs for trad irish fingerstyle guitar – from easy peasy to quite spicy


Ear Training & Improvising

Functional Ear Training

Call and response tracks – sing or play along with your instrument


Intuitive Improvising

Improvise without any scale drills

Coming soon


Ac. Guitar, Whistle, Flute, Recorders, EWI, Sylphyo, some Piano & Clarinet

Software Geek

Ableton Live Enthusiast

40 years teaching experience

Teaching music since 1983 (on and off), teaching IT from 1992 to 2022

44 years folk session experience

trad german – no dots in sessions… 😉

Trained IT-specialist with Master's in educational science & psychology