Whitty Learning Materials
for adult learners
What happens when a trained IT specialist with a master’s in Education and Psychology and 40 years teaching experience starts early retirement during a pandemic?
She fuses her professional knowledge with her hobby (music) and starts to produce the learning materials she is missing.
And if that wasn’t enough, she starts to learn sketching.
Available Learning Materials:
Functional Ear Training
Start to FEEL music
Just Bodhran
More fun than a metronome
Dotfree Trad
Dotfree charts for irish trational music
Learning materials
Materials for free or for a small fee
PDF cheat sheets, whitty infographics & sketchnotes
Practice & Playalong Tracks, Call & Response Ear Training Tracks
Projects I’m currently working on:
Ear Training & Improvising
Functional Ear Training
Call and response tracks – sing or play along with your instrument
Intuitive Improvising
Coming soon
Irish traditional music
Build an Irish traditional repertoire learning from dot free charts
Just Bodhran
“More fun than a metronome” practice tracks
Sketching Psychologist
Understand psychological concepts from sketchnotes
Coming soon
Follow me on my quest to learn sketching
Coming soon
40 years teaching experience
Teaching music since 1983 (on and off), teaching IT from 1992 to 2022